Wednesday, July 1, 2009

PRINT THAT PUPPY! the book dummy

I like the sound of that--BOOK DUMMY. In the field of Children's writing and illustrating, you make up a BOOK DUMMY to show the agent or editor. It will have the art in it and the words too, and look a lot like what you think the finished product should look like. I don't think making a BOOK DUMMY is what is called for in writing fiction for adults...but I'm doing it anyway.
I take my manuscript and print it out all nice, you know, in normal ink, a good 12-pt Times New Roman, single-spaced, with the Chapters always beginning on the right. And I include tha cover-art in the front, my CAST OC CHARACTERS with photos of them (I pore through the internet and pick out faces that look like I want for each character), and my Bio in the very back with upcoming novels in the works.
I added a photo of my CAST OF CHARACTERS and there are a couple of known faces I used to inspire me, and a few unknown ones. Frankly, I chose them for their EYES. When I write, I often look at these EYES that I have chosen and I am inspired by them. weird.
So today I am printing out the nanuscript of THE JUDGING. It is about 220 pages, which will be mostly front and back, and then I will take it, along with the artwork and other stuff to Kinkos and have up to 3 DUMMIES made. I need one to keep, and I have friends who will read it and give me their opinion of it.
So off I go. I purchased lots of ink and paper...and I hope you have a blessed day-BOKER TOV!

1 comment:

  1. I'm your first stalker! I'm mean, follower. Great job! I'm working on my novel as fast as I can and then I can blog too! Get this puppy published!


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