Sunday, August 18, 2013

They invited me to do WHAT? Writers Teaching Writers the Right Way

"They invited me to do WHAT?"

Being that my first novel rode the #1 Top-Rated spot on Customer ratings for for 16 weeks, and after making myself available as a mentor for any writer worldwide with a question, I've been welcomed into teaching keys of good writing and aspects of traditional and self-publishing all over the South. Most recently, Boot Camp for Christian Writers invited me to teach two seminars on Fiction/Character and Plot Development. The first was in April this year and the crowd seemed genuinely edified by my 2 1/2 hour interactive presentation. For the second one, the organizers asked me if I could put my teaching into a workbook to hand out at the October Boot Camp. Wow. I've done this already with my previous two popular seminars, You CAN Self-Publish and You CAN Self-Promote, both of which grew out of my power point presentations at writer's conferences. Both workbooks can be given to participants and can also be sold via to writers all over the globe. So couldn't I do the same thing with my Fiction seminar?

Well, maybe. If I have the time.

So that is what I am up to the next few weeks, mixed in with my eleven hundred other projects, I shall try to collect all of my seminar data into a comprehensive workbook for the Boot Campers and the world.

Wish me luck, and I shall wish you a wonderful week!

HUGS and blessings,

Ellen's WIPS (works in progress)
  1. RABBIT REDEMPTION (Book 3 of Rabbit Trilogy)
  2. TREE OF LIFE (Book 3 of the Corescu Chronicles)
  3. THE INDWELLING OF TORI BLESSING (stand alone paranormal novel)
Ellen C. Maze married June 14, 2013!! My books will remain under Ellen C. Maze, but I am now ELLEN SALLAS and loving every minute of it!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

LOVE LETTERS to My Readers

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

1) You encourage me to keep at it. You have no idea how much it means to me that you took the time out of your busy day to tell me to GET GOING ON THE NEXT NOVEL!! Thank you, and I promise to get busy!

2) You send me emails when you're moved by the characters. Thank you! I love hearing how they come alive for you!!

3) You share my books with others because they meant so much to you. Thank you! I love your enthusiasm for my "babies"!

 4) When my books move you spiritually, you take the time to write and let me know. I've written thrillers that can frighten some people to pieces, but the spiritual undercurrent is always there to feed and move your soul.

5) You "liked" and visited my Facebook pages so often that I feel loved and supported even when my next book is a long time coming. Thank you, Facebook friends!! (If you haven't, please click HERE to come over and "like" my page! I have a new novel coming out this summer and will have tons of giveaways!)

6) You take the time to post reviews for me on Amazon. You may never realize how important this is. These reviews really push sales because of the customer-oriented algorithms exclusive to THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (Click here to see or buy on Amazon!)

There are so many more that this blog could go on forever.  The bottom line is that without you, I'm only a writer. You make me an author because you read what I wrote. I am sending you a zillion cyber hugs and when our arms are tired of hugging, let's collapse in a pile of books together. I love books as much as you do!

HUGS and blessings,

Ellen C Maze