Thursday, December 23, 2010

O-M-GEE!! Coupon to get RABBIT and THE JUDGING 1/2 off on Smashwords!

How fun!

My publisher, TreasureLine Publishing & TreasureLine Books, is offering a 1/2-off coupon for RABBIT: CHASING BETH RIDER & THE JUDGING on Smashwords! If you are a Smashwords customer, or wish you were, use these codes on these links to buy these great books for less than $3.00!!

Remember that we are STOKED to see RABBIT: CHASING BETH RIDER as the #1 Ranked Horror novel on Amazon Kindle several weeks in a row. Folks are really "getting" it and enjoying it a the same time. Yay!

The Judging's Coupon code is TU49R - $2.49
Rabbit's Coupon code is CJ63H (not case sensitive) - $2.49
Don't be shy -- please feel free to contact me anytime via email at and/or visit me at my official website,


Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Hobbit Schmobbit, Bring on the Rabbit!" ~ RCBR #4 on Amazon Kindle!

Fleeting but beautiful, my first novel, Rabbit: Chasing Beth Rider, was found to be #4 on the Amazon Kindle / Fantasy Best rated list, based on reader ratings. I can't say that I understand how that all works, but just to be #4 and have Tolkien's The Hobbit #6 is enough to swell a little lady's head. Don't worry, I'll come back down. These ratings change every 24 hours, so tomorrow could be different. But it is still a thrill!

I am sending out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supports my writing efforts. I am only able to write because of you and I will never forget that!

For those who don't know, my newest novel, The Judging, came out November 29th. It is the first book in a separate series, but readers of Rabbit will recognize it as the novel Beth Rider wrote that got her in so much trouble with the Rakum (vampires). See this (and all my books) here:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

WINNERS ANNOUNCED !! "The Judging" Contest/Giveaway

In September, we ran a Blog Contest/Giveaway
where entrants jumped through a few hoops in hopes of winning one of 5 copies of my newest Christian Vampire thriller, THE JUDGING. The five people who won are listed in this fancy picture and will be receiving their books before the end of the year.

A HEARTFELT THANKS to everyone who participated. It's because of you that I have the nerve to even attempt to write a story.

Hugs to you all,

Ellen C. Maze