Thursday, December 26, 2019

NEW RELEASE Bestselling Vampire Series Launches Stand-Alone Installment


Imagine being born to lead, a master among the Rakum - an ancient vampire race that has lived among the mortals for three thousand years. 

Now imagine an event occurs that begins to turn your brethren into humans.

It takes years, but finally, you're the last of your kind.
You feel the same fate approaching and you don't want to change.

This is Elder Canaan's story, and you can read it now as a stand-alone novel, or as Book 5 of the Rabbit Saga. Available in eBook, softcover, and KindleUnlimited.

According to, Elder Canaan's "Conundrum" is a "fascinating, haunting, and totally enjoyable romp among some of the finest characters created."

BetaReaders responses: "I can't put your book down!" 
"I don't want your stories to end!" 
"I love Jersey so much and Canaan is on my mind all the time now!"

See why The Rabbit novels have garnered more than 100 5-star reviews across the series and right out of the gate, Conundrum earned 3 separate 5-star reviews from

We want to share the Conundrum with you.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Review: Rapid Release: How to Write & Publish Fast For Profit

Rapid Release: How to Write & Publish Fast For Profit Rapid Release: How to Write & Publish Fast For Profit by Jewel Allen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thank you, Jewel!
If you are wondering what rapid release means, Jewel Allen explains it in a concise and transparent manner. I gobbled the book up quickly and made notes along the way.

View all my reviews

Friday, September 20, 2019

BOOK REVIEW ~ 5 Gigantic Stars for The Girl I Left Behind, Historical YA (Civil War) by Author Stephanie Bain

The Girl I Left BehindThe Girl I Left Behind by Stephanie Bain
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Everyone and their mother should read this book. Historical YA fiction regarding a young woman who's twin brother is KIA Civil War. She dons his uniform and poses as a male cousin and goes to war in his place. The most enjoyable tale I've read in years, and the author has done her homework. The historical elements are perfect. HORSE LOVERS will rejoice at how the mounts are mentioned and considered during the course of the telling. It only makes sense - a horse was a person's car and pet, so when your life depends on how well it performs, it will be part of your thought stream!

I want to buy a bunch of these and give them as Christmas gifts! Don't tell my family!

View all my reviews

Saturday, September 7, 2019

#NationalReadABookDay is a great hashtag!

It's time for a little reading, beloved. A million twitterbirds told me it was #NationalReadABookDay and I am promoting all sort of books from all sorts of authors on Twitter and Facebook this week.

For today's blog post, I want to share my recent excerpt blog below. HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND!
LINK (Click Me, Sugar!)

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

RABBIT: CHASING BETH RIDER Special Anniversary Edition is here! Press Release

Ten years has passed since the Rakum began chasing Beth Rider, her vampire novel provoking them to action.

For those familiar with RCBR (and subsequent installments), this edition contains new material as well as a new look / format inside.

For new readers, hold on and be prepared for a wild and unique trip down the rabbit hole. Christians and non-believers will be surprised what they find inside as the author takes Beth Rider through a tortuous and frightening hell in these three-hundred-plus pages.

Do you like to read and review books? Have a book blog?
The author has review copies available. Email Ellen at

Below is the 2019 Press Release and we hope you will contact the author if you would like to connect. 

The Author: Ellen Sallas (Ellen C Maze)

Special Edition Paperback Publisher:
Published in digital and previous edition: Little Roni Publishers, LLC, Byhalia, MS
Press Release: (Link to Download Release)

Sunday, February 3, 2019

HEY, WRITERS! I want to encourage you! a.k.a. Teaching for Writers Conferences

A novelist is a creator of worlds, and although this is a HUGELY IMPORTANT task, creating worlds doesn’t (usually) pay enough to cease creating and rest on your laurels. Never fear! Novelists can use their mad-creating-skills to help others. This brings us to the topic of teaching writing workshops at writers’ conferences.

One of best parts of my calling is being able to encourage writers. A long time ago, three BIG-TIME Christian writers encouraged me, and yes, I will drop their names. All three are NYT best-selling authors, and all three took time out of their schedules to speak to a brand-new author. 
Frank Peretti responded to me personally when my first novel came out and encouraged me to keep writing. Bill Myers did the same, communicating me with Facebook Private Messaging, to wish me success. The biggest boost of all came from author Eric Wilson (Fireproof) who dared to READ MY NOVEL when still in the early stages… AND HE GAVE ME A BLURB to use when it was ready to publish!

I mention these in connection with the thrill of accomplished authors teaching at writers’ conferences because THESE THREE AUTHORS ENCOURAGED ME WHEN I WAS JUST STARTING OUT. As soon as I had a few years under my belt, the LORD sent someone to ask me to teach a seminar for their writers’ conference. I praise the LORD that she did, because I have never looked back.
Every opportunity is a blessing and an honor, from small book clubs, small writing groups, to middle-size and larger full-fledged writing conferences, (so far) I have not had to turn any down. I have shown up for 7 people 2 hours away, and a hundred people just up the road. The quantity of ears isn’t important – it’s the chance to tell a writer, “YOUR BOOK IS IMPORTANT!” and “NO ONE CAN WRITE YOUR BOOK BUT YOU!”

The hard-working prize-winning poet and author, Rita Moritz of Pell City’s Writers Anonymous has asked me to teach at the MID-WINTERS WRITERS CONFERENCE six years running (2014-19) !!

The oft-published author Denise George and equally prolific writer Carolyn Tomlin hired me to teach 90-min sessions at their Boot Camp for Christian Writers, BEESON DIVINITY SCHOOL AT SAMFORD UNIVERSITY, 7 times!
I am excited to announce that Southern Christian Writer’s Conference has invited me to teach two workshops this year, so mark your calendar for June 7 & 8 – I want to see you in my class!
In closing, if you are a writer, attend conferences to learn! You may also one day, want to instruct a workshop. We need encouragement and we need to hear from those who have 1) been there and 2) found success.

Thank you to every conference organizer and book club scheduler that has ever asked me to visit. I look forward to my 2019 visits!

My #1 Bestselling Christian Thriller/Vampire The Rabbit Saga series is hotter than ever with the Special 10th Anniversary Edition being released soon from Outskirts Press. A brand new edition to overtake and excite a new generation of readers. When Rabbit: Chasing Beth Rider first came out in 2009, she went to #1 within the first few months, garnering 100 5-star reviews. Book 2 came out, Rabbit Legacy, and almost immediately, I suffered a family change that caused me to stop writing for several years. In 2016, Book Three, Rabbit Redemption finally came out, and then Book Four, Anomaly followed in 2018. Now, Book Five, Conundrum wants to be born. Let's pray for her as she is completed! Thank you to all who are down the rabbit hole with me!